Tuesday 17 November 2009

Music Magazine Article Analysis

The double page spread I chose to look at is the first part of an article on ‘the final interview’ of the well known band ‘Fall Out Boy’, from the 1288 issue of the magazine ‘Kerrang!’. The spread follows a double page that is dedicated fully to simply introducing the article on Fall Out Boy, which shows that ‘Kerrang!’ deem this article to be of significant importance, possibly due to it being one which their focus group have a particular interest in.
On the left hand side of the two pages I am focusing on, the page is split vertically into three. The two outside thirds are made up of text, with new paragraphs being defined with large capital letters at the beginning of the first word, also coloured in blue instead of black like the rest of the text. The centre column (between the text) show ‘FOB THROUGH THE PAGES OK K!’. There are images running down the column showing issues of Kerrang! That Fall Out Boy have been in and other articles and front covers of them that have been issued.
Running from the left page onto the right is large text that is a quote from the main member of the band. ‘ “We need to take a break and we’ll come back. Maybe…” Pete Wentz’, is very eye catching as the text is so large so will draw the readers attention to it first. The use of the word ‘maybe’ leaves the reader wanting to know more, therefore will feel more interested in reading the article.
The right side of the double page spread is a full page image of the lead singer, Pete Wentz. The background behind the famous band member is white, making him automatically stand out more. He is wearing a purplpe checkered shirt and jeans which is clothes that would not be associated specifically with a celebrity, so readers (especially ones who may have themselves similar clothing or knows someone who may) will feel instantly more relatable with this individual. Pete Wentz, in this image, is standing hunched over, leaning into the camera. This could be classified as a very promiscuous stance and to add to the sexuality of the illustration, his shirt has its sleeves rolled up and a few buttons of his shirt undone, showing off tattoos over his body and a slight glimpse of his chest. The caption of the picture is in the top right hand corner of the page. It is very small, so not overly noticeable but it does however point out something that the reader may not have previously noticed, about the picture. The caption reads ‘Pete Wentz: admit it, you’ll miss the face’, which, obviously, draws the readers eye to the face of the singer. This is when you notice something out of the ordinary, Wentz has one eye with heavy, thich mascara and eye liner on it, and the other one doesn’t! This could be found shocking, amusing, attractive or even off-putting, but whatever emotions it connotes for the reader it will certainly grasp their attention, and urge them to read the article!