Saturday 19 December 2009

Front Cover Title Ideas


I decided to carry out some research, to come to a final conclusion for my magazine title. I asked a range of people for their opinions on the ideas I had come up with for the title, all the candidates questioned being potential consumers of a product like the one I was creating.
From the five titles I had thought of the two liked the most were ‘Unplugged’ and ‘Intune’. The other three options-‘Jolt’, ‘Alarm’ and ‘Omen’- I was told, were more vague, meaningless words that seemed less relatable to the magazine content than the other two. My candidates said that ‘Unplugged’ and ‘Intune’ could both be more connected to music, and fitted in better with the theme of the magazine.
With only two names to choose from I decided to tally up the pro’s and con’s of each name, for myself, to get to a final decision for the title of my music magazine. After much deliberation I finally came to the conclusion that ‘Intune’ would be a much more suitable title for my magazine than ‘Unplugged’. Firstly, the word ‘Unplugged’ has many letters in it, which could pose a problem when trying to fit it on the front cover, around all the other items on the page. Being so long, it also is less catchy and snappy than the ‘Intune’, which could make it less memorable. Finally, going back to the point my research participants thought of, ‘Intune’ seemed more connected to music than ‘unplugged’ did- with a friend pointing out it made her think of a sink being ‘Unplugged’!

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